Let's start with this. it's an idle animation, but there's some things it doesn't do well:
•It doesn't communicate what it is very well; They're 3 times the size of a horse, and 30 like millennia older, so why do they move so effortlessly? He needs to move less.
•The first draft of this guy wasn't quite the right size. He should be about 30% bigger, in pixels.
•The tail wag is actually wrong. The tip leads the middle of it, and it should be the other way around. This is easy to fix, just move the keyframe cycle back.
•With the exception of the tail, all of his body is perfectly in sync. It's not impossible, but it's not often natural either, and is like twinning.
I fixed it to the best of my ability.
•The first and most obvious change to make was to slow it down. By nature there's no start or end to the animation, no real highs or lows of the motion, so a simple operation like this is more likely to work fine. Mouse over the timeline, hit S, then 2, then enter, then I'm done.
•I detailed scaling in my last post.
•Also, as a positive consequence of scaling it up, the elderly cracks in this stone's body become more pronounced, which is perfect. :D
•The tail wag is also pretty easy, just take the tail end's keyframes and move them back to before the tail mid's keyframes. But, I also moved the controllers a bit so that the tail wagged less. Because it looked a lot more extreme than the rest of the body. I also did this with the head, taking it's keyframes and moving them slightly out of sync to the torso's movements (I Didn't care which way in time I moved them, probably should've).
Ultimately, I've got a way better idle animation.